The final event of COMFORT took place on the 27th of September 2021 at the Know-Center in Graz. The consortium presented the research results and discussed further collaboration. If you missed it, feel free to follow the LINK.
The final event of COMFORT took place on the 27th of September 2021 at the Know-Center in Graz. The consortium presented the research results and discussed further collaboration. If you missed it, feel free to follow the LINK.
Due to the great response to last year’s publication, the COMFORT consortium submitted a publication to this year’s e-Nova conference. This publication was accepted by the conference board and the final version was submitted this week. The publication will be presented on the conference in November 2021. The publication describes the research conducted on the… Read more »
This day marks the last day of the data collection at the offices of LogicData in Deutschlandsberg. All measurements have been stopped and the equipment was collected from the LogicData building. Project members from SAL, EAM, FH Salzburg and Know-Center met up at LogicData to remove all measurement devices and supporting hardware from the LogicData… Read more »
COMFORT will present its results at a final workshop. This workshop will take place on the 27th of September 2021 in Graz at Inffeldgasse 13, room HSi8 EG. An online participation is also possible. You can find all information and the registration here.
The second consortium meeting in this year could take place as an in-person meeting at campus Kuchl of FH Salzburg. The meeting was conducted in compliance with the so called 3-G rule, i.e., each participant needed to have either a negative COVID-19 test, a vaccination or sufficient antibodies from a previous, fully recovered COVID-19 infection…. Read more »
The COVID-19 Situation required this consortium meeting to be conducted as an online meeting and not as a physical meeting at Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH as it was originally planned. Nonetheless, the project team is getting used to online meetings and was able to efficiently work through the meeting agenda. The project partners gave an… Read more »
The e-Nova conference is hosted by the FH Burgenland. In contrast to the previous years, this year’s instalment was conducted as an online event due the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. Heimo Gursch from the Know-Center presented the COMFORT publication with the title “Soft Sensors for Perceived Human Comfort in Office Rooms Based on a Combination of… Read more »
Gerald Feichtinger is leaving the Know-Center and therefore he will also step down from his role as project manager. Heimo Gursch will replace Gerald Feichtinger as project manager. Heimo Gursch was already involved in project COMFORT, knows the partners and project objectives very well. COMFORT wishes Gerald Feichtinger a good farewell and all the best… Read more »
The improved COVID-19 situation allowed the project members to hold a physical project meeting at EUDT in Klagenfurt. This was a welcomed opportunity for discussions and exchanges after many months of only online meetings. The meeting had a packed agenda to coordinate all changes required by the six months project extension. Important aspects discussed in… Read more »
The project COMFORT got extended by six months. Therefore, the end of the project moved from the 31st of March 2021 to the 30th of September 2021. The extension was necessary due to the COVID-19 restrictions prohibiting COMFORT project members from visiting the LOGICDATA office rooms. Important reference measurements could not be taken in that… Read more »